Monday, November 14, 2011

Arizona's Southwest Yamprico (Bigfoot)

There are plenty of critters to provide sustenance and moisture in our Arizona desert. Then once again, there is the story told by Cochise’ grandson Nino Cochise, who gave an interview several decades ago, and who told of a ‘Yamprico’ (sasquatch) he saw once. This sasquatch carried with it an animal gut over his shoulder that served as a canteen and was seen hopping over the hills of the southwestern desert near Sasabee, Arizona.. These desert "squatches" reported then and now are wirey, dark haired beasts, 6 foot tall and much thinner than their northwestern Washington state counterparts. I would think that would be because of our desert living conditions? I ask what would they eat? the jackrabbit? the occasional quail, Javelina, or coyote? Sightings have been throughout the state and all up and down the Mexican border. 

Although, we often think of Bigfoot seeking refuge on snow capped mountains, hiding away deep inside of treacherous and wild wilderness, it seems that Arizona, and the Phoenix area in particular, may be home to a desert Bigfoot. Besides rattlers and scorpions the Bigfoot is one more thing to look out for when you are out and about on those warm desert nights.

Sasabee, Arizona

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