Wednesday, November 2, 2011

UFO captued in Sedona, AZ - 2009

On Saturday August 15th, 2009 my husband and I visited Sedona, Arizona.

Approximately 11:45 AM on that sunny day we visited the Bell Rock recreational area to take some pictures. We pulled off at one of the hiking areas and I walked up one of the paths to get a better angle on some of the scenic views so that I could take a few pictures of the striking contrast between the red rocks, and the majestic blue sky.

Below is one of the pictures in a series I had taken. At the time of the shot nothing unusual was in the sky or the view finder of the camera. But upon returning home later that week and reviewing my snapshots, I noticed a flying object. It only presented itself in this one photo.

This photograph was posted to (Mutual UFO Network) with a detailed description. (please use dates above to find the entry) Astonishingly, the same day of my submission a Mufon private investigator contacted me that evening to go over the details of the picture, when it was taken, the camera I used, and other surveying questions they ask to document the event. I offered a digital copy of the photograph at that time, and the investigator stated he would send it off to a lab for analysis.

I was contacted three days later by this same investigator who with enthusiasm, requested aggressively that I should comply in giving him my original SD card where the picture was captured. I declined to send this SD card certified mail to him, nor declined he could swing by my home to pick it up. This was my only evidence of what I had captured on a digital camera, as it was the original. I had fear that I would never see it again, and it would end up in a vault someplace like the Ark of the Covenant in the Indian Jones movie. So, I let the investigation stop.

Enhance this picture below and look dead center in the sky.

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