Sunday, November 6, 2011

Jerome Grand Hotel, Jerome Arizona

Built in 1926, the now Jerome Grand Hotel in Jerome Arizona is probably one of the most active haunted places in the state. The ghost sightings started in the 1930's with the nurses working at the then United Verde Hospital saying "You'll see him", "We call him Clyde or Scotty". The hospital closed in 1950 and for the next 44 years, the stories of ghost sightings, spirit orbs, paranormal and supernatural activities continued. Renovated into the Jerome Grand Hotel in 1994, the reputation of the old hospital and the ghost sightings continue. Claude Harvey, the man killed in the elevator incident in 1935, is believed to haunt several floors of the hotel and its basement. Supposedly, he is the most famous ghost at the hotel and many speculate that he was murdered.

Many guests have also heard voices coming from rooms on the third floor. These voices can be heard conversing from various places, especially Rooms 31, 33, 39A and 39B. Guests on this floor also smell cigarette and cigar smoke in non-smoking rooms.

Other phenomenon commonly observed are ghost lights. Employees have noticed flashing lights in unoccupied rooms. When they go to check the room for any sign of mischief, the room is empty.

At least two of the ghosts are women, have been seen by numerous visitors. The first, a nurse carrying a clipboard, seems more to be a memory than an actual ghost. She roams the halls, pausing at intervals and leaning down, looking at beds that no longer exist and patients long since dead. The other, a woman in white, has been identified as a woman who died in childbirth. Neither she nor her baby left the hospital halls. According to legend she is distraught over the treatment of her dead child, who was buried in an unmarked grave. According to the locals, she stalks the hotel, searching for her child's final resting place.

We have spent two seperate occasions at this hotel, once in August of 2009, and again in April of 2011and have experienced paranormal activity on both visits which has included loud banging, communication with motion sensors, EVP recordings and ghost orbs. Our first visit in room 38 produced pacing footsteps, whispers of a woman and EVP captures.  Our last visit in room 32 produced two -way communication with remote sensor equipment and intense orb activity. See just one of my many clips below.

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