Saturday, November 26, 2011

Our Holiday Visiters

Digital cameras can be a great tool for ghost photographers. I have gotten into a better habit of carrying mine wherever I now go. They allow you to see your photo results immediately. No film required! The big advantage is, you will know right away if you have captured an anomaly, therefore allowing you to track it. There are draw backs however, digital cameras do not furnish a negative, therefore it's hard to prove your photos are not enhanced, A drawback indeed!

Here are a two pictures of our Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays over the past years where an entity orb has been captured on the digital photograph. Family gatherings can be a hot spot of ghost photo activity and these digital shots could possibly be family members enjoying the moment with us, but have past over years ago.

The best time of the year in fact for capturing ghost images on film are in the colder months when electrostatic energy is at it's highest. These months being October through February. You can capture any kind of ghost type on film at any time of the year but the above mentioned months just increase your odds.

Ghosts are quite often attracted to people and will follow them around. So include people in the photos you take. Tip: When taking photos of others try to include enough space to one side of the picture and above the heads of those in the photo to capture any anomalies present.

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