Sunday, November 27, 2011

How Do You Know If You’ve Encountered A Ghost?

"Ghosts are said to be the spirits or souls of deceased people who are “trapped” in this physical world.  Believers say that ghosts remain for a number of reasons. It is common knowledge among ghost hunting enthusiasts that locations with histories of violence or untimely deaths seem to be quite paranormally active.
Some spirits are said to be attached to people, things or events that occurred in the past, rendering them unable or unwilling to ‘cross over’. It is thought that some ghosts need direction and assistance in delivering a message or fixing a situation which will allow them to proceed to the afterlife. While other believers speculate that some spirits have crossed over and only appear to comfort us, guide us and observe our lives.
Whatever one may believe, how does one know when one has encountered a ghost?
After a great deal of research, many reviews of ghost hunting shows and videos, and interviews with live people, there appear to be common phenomena occurring in most cases. Here is a brief list, including some of the phenomena I’ve experienced myself:

COLD CHILLS: When you experience an unnatural chill in mild or warm weather, it may be possible that a spirit is passing or near. Theories state that spirits absorb energy in movement and leave a cold spot/chill behind. I have experienced this twice. In both times, the hairs on my arms and the back of my neck stood out and I had goosebumps. The sensation was not unlike a prickly, cold, static electrical feeling combined with feeling icy cold “inside”. Personally, I found the sensations to be very strange and unlike anything I’d experienced before. Inexplicable “cold spots” are also said to be encountered in the presence of a spirit. Experts state that in order for a spirit to manifest, it draws energy from the environment. This could create a cold spot from the spirits’ use of the energy in a specific location.

VOICES/SOUNDS: People have reported hearing disembodied voices calling their names, laughing or chattering when no one is around or in sight. Hearing sounds, such as foot steps, doors opening/closing, music, voices, whispers, and tapping/rapping sounds are commonly reported to be heard. One friend of mine who lives in the Historic Ft. Lowell area in Tucson, has heard the sound of horses and wagon wheels only to discover nothing of the sort is there. Residual hauntings are commonly reported as having the sounds of activity that may have occurred long ago at a site.

UNEXPLAINED SMELLS OR FRAGRANCES: The sense of smell is a powerful component of human memory. We can all associate a certain odor, fragrance or smell with memories of people, places and events. People have reported inexplicable smells of cigars, cigarettes, pipes and perfume when thought to be in the presence certain spirits.

PET BEHAVIOR: Animals have heightened sensory awareness and are believed to have a 6th sense which keeps them in tune with spirits around them. Odd behavior from a pet is may be a sign that spirits are around. Pets acting fearfully or barking/growling repeatedly for no reason or suddenly being startled have been reported in alleged haunted locations. Some ghost hunting teams use dogs in their investigations and observe the animal’s behavior while investigating.

DREAMS: Dreams are believed to be the primary way spirits communicate with the living, since it is the easiest way to make contact without creating fear. A spirit may enter your dreams to give you a message, advice, or even warn you.

LIGHTS FLICKER: Spirits are said to have the ability to create electrical disturbances in order to get your attention and make you aware of their presence. Don’t immediately assume every flicker is a spirit. Check the bulb, switch, or fuse. Spirits have been also reported as turning up the volume on electronic devices like radios, TV’s or switching lights on and off.

WEIRD COINCIDENCES: Some report experiencing strange coincidences such as thinking of the deceased person then coming into contact with things or people that are associated with them. For example, a dear friend had given me an antique lamp. One night, the lamp switched on by itself for no apparent reason. I found out later that my friend had passed away on that very evening. She had lost the battle to cancer. If this was a coincidence, it was a very strange one indeed.

MOVING/MISSING OBJECTS:  People have reported missing items, such as books, jewelry, personal items or even receiving items that appear to be signs of communication from spirits. Spirits are said to have the ability to move objects in order to get our attention or to send us a message.  I just finished a book written by a woman who was widowed on 9/11. A 1944 wheat penny kept appearing in odd places, like within the pages of a book or mysteriously dropping from a restaurant menu. The 1944 wheat penny was a personal good luck totem carried by the deceased. The widow felt it was a sign from the spirit of her husband.

Skeptical scientist or impassioned believer,  I think a modicum of open-mindedness is important when seeking  knowledge of the unexplained or paranormal. Consider this little factoid: 16,969 species were considered new to science in 2006. Scientists discover thousands of  new species each year with thousands more awaiting discovery. Who knows what is awaiting discovery in the world of the paranormal?"


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